Improve Your Baking Enormously With Silicone Cake Molds

Silicone cake molds have changed the way baking used to be in the past. Because it is nonstick, flexible, and lit-colored, silicone cake molds are not less than marvelous when it comes to baking. To make the baking game more fun while mastering your art using them, get ready to employ below tips and tricks. 

Greasing makes cleaning easy.

It’s as easy as pie to clean small-sized cups when they get greased, though greasing is required only for large-sized pans.

While it is true that greasing these is not a requirement, you can still consider spraying them with some nonstick cooking spray. As another option, you can put paper baking cups inside them to keep silicone molds completely clean.

Small-sized molds are preferable to large-sized ones.

Comparatively speaking, the small-sized cake cups are better than the large-sized ones. The reason is, they are less likely to bend and more rigid and come out just baked cupcakes and muffins. Small-sized silicone cake cups are less expensive and easier to find. 

Small-sized molds discourage the practical side.

Small-sized silicone molds are inexpensive and versatile, but they have less space, too. They are perfectly cute, but it is essential to pay attention to practical reasons. Due to the size, many recipes may not go well with them. Therefore, you have to figure it out before going with them.  

It is an intelligent recommendation to use large silicone cake molds to accommodate your recipes. Though it may sound disappointing, it’s all about trading-off ultimately.

Grease large-sized ones for sure

While smaller molds are convenient and don’t require greasing, the larger ones need greasing for sure. 

Though it may sound inconvenient, it makes a difference, too. The large silicone cake molds are at increased risk of cracking in the malleable molds than the smaller ones.

Here is tasty advice for you to use cocoa powder in place of flour when you think of baking chocolate cakes. It helps to contribute a better exterior as well as extra fun to lick out of an evacuated portion.

Excellent for savory and sweet items

Silicone cake molds are excellent for more than making muffins and cakes. Small-sized molds are outstanding for mini pies and quiches, too. Additionally, you can try cheesy puff-pastry appetizers and drooling snacks. Use these molds for all they are worth rather than only make sweets. 

Use these molds as reusable serving containers.

It is advisable to use for other purposes than only baking sweets and savory snacks in silicone cake molds. It is an outstanding recommendation to use it as serving cups for parties. You can place small snacks in these molds, such as nuts, small candies, etc. The reason is that they come in cute colors and shapes. Isn’t it great that they are reusable and washable, too? 

Final remark

Silicone cake molds, ranging from multi-purpose use to cute shapes, are more than excellent for bringing the party-scene to a full-spectrum level. Isn’t it great? To make your scene on, check out the best ones from here.

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